Nkosi Malinga

Nkosi isĀ  an Enthusiastic Digital Marketing Trainer eager to trainedĀ  job seeking professionals, entrepreneurs,students & others about various aspects of Digital Marketing which would help them in their Job,Career or Business to get the best results from their Digital Marketing Strategy.

He Trains through in Different Aspects of Digital Marketing like Google Analytics,Google Adwords,SEO,Email Marketing,Digital Strategy & planning & various related entities.

Stefan has trained through professionals through various mediums like online,on-demand courses & classroom training to help them fulfill their Digital Quest at various institutes also an Visiting Faculty at Business Schools/Colleges having trained Management Students.

On the professional end he have worked through in the digital marketing Industry for 6.5+ years & worked with various organization in Education,Entertainment,Real Estate,E-commerce,HR & other sectors.

You could explore further details about my profile & training background through the links shared for my Linked-In & Twitter Profile.